Experiential Motivational Interviewing: An Action-Oriented Way of Being
Training Wheels Gear
Experiential Motivational Interviewing: An Action-Oriented Way of Being
by Marc Pimsler, Matthew McKenzie
Motivational Interviewing is technically defined as a collaborative, goal-oriented style of communication with particular attention in the language of change. It is designed to strength personal motivation for and commitment to a specific goal by eliciting and exploring the person's own reasons for change within an atmosphere of acceptance and compassion. Motivational Interviewing has been one of the top approaches to be empirically proven to improve patient outcomes across a wide variety of populations, especially substance abuse treatment settings, due to the relationship that is formed when one puts on the 'Motivational Interviewing hat'. Let us look at the relational and technical components that collectively compose motivational interviewing.
This book is a wonderful mix of theory and activities, and a great resource for any facilitator, therapist or counselor with an experiential-based practice.
Table of Contents
- About the Authors
Acknowledgments - Introduction
- Definition of Experiential Methodology
- Definition of Motivational Interviewing
- Creativity and Spontaneity
- Strength of Sociometry and the Stages of Change
- A Way of Being
- Resistance
- Intro to Neuroscience
360 Inter View
All About Meme Check In
Card Sort Time Line
Emoji Floor Check
Fabric Check In
Fabric Resourcing
Heart Space Check In
Hope and Fear Sculpt
Life’s Blueprint
Me, Myself, and I Cards
Medicator Sculpt
Resource House
Roads Cards Life Line
Serenity in Action
Symbols of Grace
Road to Us
Time Lapse Chair Sculpt
Word Circle Puzzles
Wound Drawing
Younger You Letter
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2020
Pages: 166