Maxwell Leadership Icebreaker Wheelies

Training Wheels Gear

$ 24.99 


Are you tired of asking the same questions to open your programs? Here is a unique collection of questions that will breathe new life into your openers. Our favorite way to use these cards is to let the participants ask each other the questions as an icebreaker exchange. Hand one card to each participant. Ask them to find a partner and share their response to the question on their card. After the two have each shared their response, have them exchange cards and find a new partner. Encourage 6-7 partner exchanges.

This also works well if you have programs that have late arrivals. Anyone can join the group at any time.

65 Cards in the set. Packaged in a snazzy tin. Instructions included.

Client Testimonial:  "Using the Icebreaker Wheelies is a wonderful way to start a time of teambuilding. The cards I use have been through the hands of hundreds of participants.  I am always excited at the start of a teambuilding session to set a positive tone and create an atmosphere of acceptance no matter what the group's day has been like so far. Simply sharing personal answers to questions, trading cards and sharing with someone else is a great way to get participants interested in each other and therefore interested in the goals of the group. It can also be fun to circle back to the same questions at the end of the day to discuss things we all have in common or to quiz the group to see how well they could answer some the questions for their friends."  ~Abel Odom, YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly